
boxes blvck scvle pizza

So we were pretty much out of the office all day long. Since none of us are from SF, getting lost trying to get places is part of our job. We are hoping that eventually we will get the hang of the area. First we went to the wrong UPS, and then we had to drive all the way back to the right UPS which was near the office. whoops.

Some artwork on a box one of the brands sent us, i enjoyed it.

Then after that, we drove right back towards the wrong UPS on the way to the new Blvck Scvle flagship store. Met up with Mega, chopped it up about his shit.

He wanted to keep it all simple and dope

Thanks Mega

By the time we got back to the office, Eddie and Alex had some pizza. We were starving and had to get some. It took like 30 minutes for the pizza to cook. but it was well worth the wait. One of the best pizzas I've ever eaten. Me being intolerant of lactose didn't even deter me from wanting pizza. Which is good because my stomach felt fucking fineeeeee.

anyways. chu boi is signin off from the left coast east bay representing the far far east bay
love andrew

edit: hb threw up my pictures to the front page haha. wasnt expecting that when i took them but yeah its cool to me.
